Here's another interesting one! This was actually designed before the guitar and was intended to be the Elite version of the Jazz Bass. Either way, it's a pretty special instrument. Very few were produced and actually made it in the hands of customers...something like 800 (don't quote me on that!) There were 2 models produced, one being the “Standard” and the other being the “Elite.” The Elite had 3 single pickups and was made in the US; the Standard was made in Japan. Alright, enough history lesson! Let's talk about this one in particular.
This was bought by the same person who owns the Performer guitar as he wanted a set! Managed to find the same tobacco burst for both out of a stroke of luck. The finishes on both are just simply gorgeous up close.
So, this bass...needed a bit of work. Let's put it this way: I plugged it in and it made a noise. Not a good one, but a noise. It went hand in hand with the LAMP WIRE I FOUND INSIDE. Yeah, both of us were a little shocked when I discovered this. So, out that went and in went some more traditional wiring along with a full setup and obvious cleaning. It wasn't neglected so it wasn't too bad; I'm pretty sure it spent most of its days in the case that it came with.
Everything all said and done, it's back in great working order and is all original, minus a couple of wires. I simply adore the neck on this's narrow and fat and fits my hand just right!